Alongamentos e consciência corporal



“Dançar com o vento”
+14 & Séniores (port & Ingl)

Usufruindo do simples prazer de dançar explora-se a consciência do corpo, o movimento criativo, o coletivo e o espaço. Parte-se de movimentos do quotidiano, como o sentar e o andar, explorando a flexibilidade e percepção do corpo / mente nas suas particulares/necessidades, inquietações e potencialidades de cada momento.
Trabalha-se em relação com as memórias & desejos, pessoas e elementos da envolvente, tal como natureza e espaço “publico” da cidade, usando a dança contemporânea, respiração, butoh, tai chi e yoga. (Abre-se a possibilidade de co-criação coreográfica em espaço público)

(individual 6€, mensal 20€)

Trás um amigo e terás desconto de metade da primeira mensalidade.



Dança e movimento pais e filhos

leo & And dancar-post.jpg

“Areias e Ondas na praia” (port & Ingl)

Rua da Penha de França 67A, 1170-300 Lisboa, Portugal

Terças 1730-1815

Dança, contacto e improvisação entre crianças, familiares e elementos espaciais num jogo divertido de proximidades e relações entre corpos e elementos musicais, espaciais e sensoriais, onde o contato e a autonomia dos corpos faz parte da potencialidade dos encontros. Trabalha-se com tecnicas da dança contemporânea, dança criativa, contacto & improvisação, tai chi e yoga.

O que esperar:

Um espaço de liberdade, exploração e co-criação tanto para as crianças como para os pais.
Convida-se á escuta de si próprio, do colectivo e do ambiente, num observar e iniciar em movimento do que se têm desejo exprimir, no observar, copiar ou relacionar com as outras crianças e adultos, na sua própria exploração e interação com o ambiente espacial e musical.

-iniciativa da criança na criação de propostas de movimento
-escuta do proprio corpo e confiança no conhecimento do próprio corpo
-escuta do outro e do ambiente para uma co-criação colectiva aberta, fluída e flexivel
-relação de proximidade entre pais e filhos, adultos e crianças e entre crianças

(individual 8€, mensal 25€)


Dança – Contacto & improvisação

Flyer contato & improvisação-peq

+14 & Adultos (port & Ingl)
segundas 13h-14h & quartas 21h-22.30

Rua da Penha de França 67A, 1170-300 Lisboa, Portugal (muito perto do mercado dos sapadores)

Numa dança colectiva, improvisada e fluída, foca-se na autonomia e relação com consigo próprio, os outros e o espaço.
Procura-se a potencialidade do encontro que vêm do movimento relaxado, da tenção natural entre corpos e na consciência do contacto, trabalhando com tecnicas de contacto improvisação, dança contemporânea, release, butoh , artes marciais, etc.

Collective, improvised and fluid dance that works on autonomy and relation to ourself, others and space.
We look for the potential of encounters based on relaxed movement, natural tension between bodies and awareness of contact, introducing techniques of contact improvisation, contemporary dance, release, butoh, martial arts, etc.

(individual 8€, mensal 1x semana 25€, 2x 35)

Trás um amigo e terás desconto de metade da primeira mensalidade.

Bring a friend and you will have discount of half in the first month



Peter Michael Dietz

Floating body/ godog Flying away towards other kingdoms of wisdom, carried by the notion of being securely protected by the guardian of trust…. Do we trust this incredible creativity of letting go and alterate the obvious…. No promise it will work, but going deep into the essencial potencial of our lust to go far with our body and mind in games, tricks and dance…… So much that a marathon is nothing compained….There will be space for breathing, a promise….

Steve Paxton

“is a system. It attempts to examine the spine of Contact Improvisation. …Via exercise, ideokinetic imagery, and specific examples I wanted to bring to consciousness the subtle sensation, the moments when usage reveals operations of the skeleton, the muscular connections available between pelvis and fingertips, the soft energetic support of leverage which I take to be chi or ki….. It is all to bring movement to consciousness”


C.E.M  directed by Sofia Neuparth, which takes the body as the pivot of creation processes

3Cs: Counter-Cartographies Collective

program/mapping_ If listening has ever been connected to our survival skills and spatial orientation, sound is still a vital matter to map our relationship with places.

Flash contemporary dance mob”There are hidden paths in the walls of the town”


We invite you to a Flash contemporary dance mob that will be taking place in the centre of Reading in Broad Street at 3.30pm on Sunday 22st March. Everyone that comes to the performance will be able to participate. So please share the invitation by email (or Twitter,facebook , website) to your friends that possibly always wanted to dance but thought that was all too serious for them. 🙂 (and please send us an email to receive more information)

The last rehearsal will be 22nd March this Sunday from 1 to 3pm in the Hall (RISC).

Dress: something formal or black and a colourful tie.

4″ video of work in progress –


Flash contemporary dance mob”There are hidden paths in the walls of the town”

“Inspired by the idea of trade that was so important in Reading’s history, a flash mob will happen in the most commercial and busy area of Reading where people want to meet but not always can do.”

The idea of the project is to facilitate the interaction with the space in a spontaneous way. This means using techniques of contemporary dance or simply letting the body move, think and act spontaneously in the space. However the overall structure of the performance will be as follows:

Structure of the Performance
1st- Individual action – with a carboard box (and with the space)
2nd- Collective action – very close together very busy and with boxes (like bees) exchange; trade ; constructing / deconstructing
3rd- Pairs/trios histories – imitating / following & contact improvisation
4th- collective action – imitating / following (the people around is invited to participate)
5th- Collective finale _ walking between each other & walking away from each other with a box, stopping in front of a wall trying to continue to walk.

Citydance – Art project
Twitter –
Website –

Talk the talk, Walk the walk, Dance the dance

poster workshop jan 2015-3

Do you really know Reading? Join us to learn the basics of contemporary dance and discover new ways to see the town. All abilities welcome
18, 25 Jan & 1, 8, 15, 22 Feb 5-7 pm

Learn the basics of contemporary dance in just six weeks! includes Alexander technique (focus on posture), release technique, contact improvisation and creative dance.
Listening to the body, others and space using breathing and visualization, and the possibility in the final session of choreographing your own performance!

£6 per session or £25 for all six (if paid in advance).

Contacts: 07450555690

Where: Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC) 35-39 London Street, RG1 4PS Reading, Berks

Tickets: <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; alt=”Eventbrite – Talk the talk, Walk the walk, Dance the dance” /></a>

Dancing Reading _ Exploring layers of the city

dancing reading sept527th september 11am – Cemetery Junction (Wycliffe Baptist Church)

Walk in a route that will be punctuated by dance performances where the public are free to participate!

From a weekly open and collaborative process at The Warehouse we collect impressions of the everyday experiences of the city and practices like walking, dancing (or relaxing), drawing etc. Experience of places explored through perception, interaction and connection and reflection on their differences and similarities:
Public – Private space / Common space / Memories
Distance / Permeability / Diversity
Rhythm /Synchronicity / Connection

The performance is based on a continuous collective mapping of lines of connection & places of encounters in Berkshire (West of London)… Reading …Cemetery Junction (New Town)

The exhibition of the process will be in the space until 3rd October
Free Event & Children welcome

Dancing Reading – Exploring layers of the city (event)

Dancing Reading _ Free Event
Exploring layers of the city
21st June 11am – Cemetery Junction (Wycliffe Baptist Church) RG1 4LS

Walk in a route that will be punctuated by dance performances where the public are free to participate!

From a weekly open and collaborative process at The Warehouse we collect impressions of the everyday experiences of the city and practices like walking, dancing (or relaxing), drawing etc. Experience of places explored through perception, interaction and connection and reflection on their differences and similarities:
Public – Private space / Common space / Memories
Distance / Permeability / Diversity
Rhythm /Synchronicity / Connection

The performance is based on a continuous collective mapping of lines of connection & places of encounters in Berkshire (West of London)… Reading …Cemetery Junction (New Town)

The exhibition of the process will be in the space until 27th June
Children welcome.